However, I was given a free copy of this book by HQ and NetGalley in return for an honest review and as I said in part one, the free ebook version I couldn't cope with. I'm really funny about things like that, a slight formatting issue and my head can't cope so I managed to get a paperback copy in my local supermarket.
It's taken me a while to read, that's usually a good indication of how I find a book. But not this one! It was quite slow to start, building the story up. Laura recently widowed and mother of Tilly, together they are about to lose everything, her job, their house, their family. A business deal gone wrong, a break down with their family it's all looking dire. But when Laura finds out about a local community who are willing to help, she decides that living there will help her through their problems.
As I said I found the story was quite slow to start but now I've finished the book , I understand why all that information was required. You know from the blurb that there's a death, but even up until it happens you are unsure of who it is. The twists and turns in their story are amazing, the more I read on, the more things made sense and bits of the story starting falling together in a way I hadn't expected.
Financial Hardship.
A community.
Three deaths.
A body.
A loving Family.
But Who?
The characters are all really good, even Hazel and Daisy whose parts aren't great but they all add to the overall feel of the community and makes you question over and over who is it. There are clues all along but it's not till the end that it all falls into place. The last fifteen chapters I desperately wanted to get through, I wanted to know what happened to Laura and Tilly and whether they survived their experiences within the community.
A really good story, slow to start but so much attention to detail, I couldn't put it down come the end.
I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads.
If anyone would like my copy of The Family (UK only) please get in touch and I'll forward it on. (first come, first served!)
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