The story follows the main characters Joey, a newly married women, who with her husband, are living with her brother and sister in law in their house on the terrace which is the main setting of the story. The next main character is Tom Fitzwilliam who lives two doors away with his wife and son. Tom is a superhead who has been brought in to turn around the local academy school. His son, Freddie, is portrayed as a bit odd, constantly watching and photographing people who live in the village and recording their day to day goings on. Hence the “Watching You.” The other main characters are Jenna and Bess who go to the academy. Bess is infatuated by Mr F and Jenna is living with her mother who has serious mental health issues and who believes Mr F is stalking her.
The story intertwines the lives of these main characters and some others and I found myself convince I knew who had been murdered and by whom.
There are loads of hints and great use of foreshadowing throughout the book and I found especially towards the end I couldn’t put the book down. Once I’d read it all I discovered I was completely wrong on all accounts and now when I look back I know the clues were there.
I loved this book and highly recommend it - especially if you’ve not read a Lisa Jewell book before.
There are loads of hints and great use of foreshadowing throughout the book and I found especially towards the end I couldn’t put the book down. Once I’d read it all I discovered I was completely wrong on all accounts and now when I look back I know the clues were there.
I loved this book and highly recommend it - especially if you’ve not read a Lisa Jewell book before.
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