The story centres on Buttercup Redmain as the main character, who lives in her husband’s large country house with him and his staff. His ex wifeand the ex owner of the big house live in what I assumed to be smaller gate houses near to the main entrance.
The story follows Buttercup and her day to day goings on, where everything is done for her by her husbands grand team of staff. She quickly realised that the team are watching her every move and starts to delve into her husbands former relationship with his ex. The story also follows Xenia, the previous owner and goes back through her life of living in Charcombe, with her father and film star mother, how she comes to live in one of the gate houses.
I really got into the story and wanted to know what happened in the end. The ending was a real twist and not what I was expecting at all, though I want Buttercup to get away from her husband and the house I wasn’t expecting the final outcome for the house at all.
As I read through the story it reminded me of another book I’ve read - though I’m struggling to work out which book. It also involved a big house and a husband who was tracking and watching his wife’s every move. This story seemed too familiar and it’s now bugging me as to which bookit was that I’d read before!
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