When I requested this book from Netgalley, it sounded ideal, a book about books, what more could a book loving girl ask for, and yet, there is a tell tale sign with me about how much I enjoy a book. The time it takes for me to write a review is the first giveaway. I can devour a book in an evening if it's really good, others take a few days, a week maybe, some when I'm three or four weeks in, you can tell I'm struggling and this one, however idyllic it sounded, is just one of those. I started reading it with great expectations. I love historical, war stories and as this is set at the end of World War 2, I thought I'd love, but I just can't get into it. There is nothing in the first part of the story that inspires to read on. The story itself is very slow, the characters come across as quite dull and boring, and even though I'm a quarter of the way through it doesn't grab me like a book should, I can't even tell you what has happened because noth...